
Articulation Therapy Apps: Articulate It versus ArtikPix

I've tried two articulation therapy apps recently, Artik Pix and Articulate It. Both of them are decent apps. Here's a brief list of pros and cons to both. I put a * next to a point that I think is a particularly important difference between the two apps. I'll put a brief description of how I use articulation apps like these in therapy at the end of this post. So without further ado, here is my comparison.

Artik Pix Full Version: $29

-has pictures for all English phonemes and ability to select position in words (initial, medial or final)
-*has target sentences
-can keep data for up to 4 kids at a time
-has great feedback sounds ("yea!" when they get it right and "aw" when they get it wrong)
-has good sound models
-*ability to take data on multiple attempts of the same word
-cute kid friendly interface. note: all stimuli are simple drawings (not the best if you prefer real pictures)
-recorder built into program to allow child to hear themselves say the word
-ability to set up a matching game with goal sound
-gives percentages for each child at the end of the session
-*can only work on ONE GOAL sound at a time
-does not keep audio recordings of student attempts
an example of the ArtikPix screen during therapy

Articulate It: $38

-*can work with multiple students with multiple goal sounds at the same time
has pictures for all English Phonemes and ability to select position in words (initial, medial or final)
-has ability to choose target words based on manner of articulation
-has ability to choose phonological processing targets (not ideal for phonological processing therapy though)
-can review list of words before the session and deselect words that you feel are too difficult or inappropriate for certain students
-recorder built into program to allow child to hear themselves say the word.
-*recorder saves audio files for individual students. Can be emailed or listened to anytime during or after the session. I LOVE this feature!
-provides list of words that were scored correct and incorrect
-gives percentages for each child at the end of the session
-*scoring feature does not allow for multiple attempts of the same word (can only score once for each word)
-*does not provide target sentences (can be remedied by just having your student make up their own sentences)
-some of the sound models have distorted vowels and a few are even articulated wrong! (for example the audio says "box" for a picture of a "fox")
an example of the Articulate It screen during therapy
How I use articulation apps in therapy:
  • Use app as target stimuli
  • Have student practice the word or put it in a sentence or story.
  • Record it every few turns
  • Let the student judge how they did (they get to take the data on the iPad, they think this is the bee's knees!)
  • Take data on usual paper data logs. Even though there is the option to keep data using the iPad, I still much prefer taking notes on paper data logs for a number of important reasons including...having a paper record is important, it is not prone to technological error, the kids can't mess it up, it can be hidden (for those kids who are overly sensitive to getting it wrong), I can take notes easily without having to take the iPad away from the kids, I trust myself more than the machine.
  • Incorporate games and/or rewards after a number of attempts or a given time period (if you just use the app it can get pretty bland)
  • The apps are great, but they are limited. If you used these as your only articulation therapy targets your kids will quickly get sick of the 60 or so words on the target lists. It is important to keep a big articulation book around like Webber's Jumbo Articulation or No Glamour Articulation since they have hundreds and hundreds of words for each sound in each position.
  • I think if I had to choose between the two apps I would choose the Articulate It app because I love the option of working on different goal sounds at the same time and the ability to save audio recordings for each individual student is amazing!
  • The Articulate It app would be ideal for probes to measure baselines and quarterly progress. Keep in mind that if you are using this app as a progress probe, you should not use it in your weekly therapy.
  • I have heard of a few other apps like these (for example, PocketSLP) but since articulation apps are relatively expensive I decided I would just try the two for now. Have any of you tried pocketSLP or other articulation apps?  Which ones are your favorite?


Jessica said...

I love the new app articulation station! It is a very clean look with great pictures & crisp and clear voice models of the words. Some of the voice models on articulate it are hard to understand or sound funny.

Annette said...

You can work on more than one sound at a time with Artik Pix. You just have to click on the ones you want and pick if you want to do intial, medial, final, or all. I love it!

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