
Service Delivery Models

I just read a great article called Different Service Delivery Models for Different Communication Disorders. It can be found in the most recent issue of Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools Vol.43 117-120 April 2012. It is a really well written article from the editor that discusses the need to individualize our service delivery models for each child. She discusses the fact that a pull-out model, though great for some individual situations, is less than ideal for many of our students. This has bothered me for years, but honestly with our ridiculously high caseloads (I had 87 last year) is there another way? She alludes to the fact that we, as school based SLPs, are being stretched very thin. We are expected to be experts in such a broad range of disabilities it is so hard to address each one individually as it should be done. She discussed the possibility of  SLPs in the schools beginning to specialize in certain areas such as autism, language disorders, articulation disorders, stuttering, and so on. The idea has good merit but I am not sure it is likely to happen. Making changes within the public school systems takes years if not decades, especially if it means the schools paying more money for more specialized professionals. I see the need for change. And the need for different service delivery models. But how are we supposed to address these needs while we can barely give our students the 30-60 minutes on their IEP each week? If our caseloads were more manageable, I have no doubt there would be so many incredible programs that would truly change the lives of our students for the better. Has anyone tried or heard of different service delivery models other than pull-out? I would love to hear about them. 

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