
progress reports just might kill me

Is it just me, or do those terms go by much faster than I can handle. Progress reports are due tomorrow and I am in a panic. My baby was sick at the beginning of the term and I had a substitute for a number of days. My lesson plans were simple and I didn't have my substitute fill out our normal progress charts. My caseload is so high and I only have 30 minutes prep/planning each week so I never got those charts updated. I'm kicking myself for this because it is so much easier when I can just copy that chart and send it home. Here is my reminder to reinstate the weekly progress charting with my students. Now, everyone feel free to pray for me, or send me magic sprinkles or whatever you think would help me get these progress reports done. It may be a long night ahead of me. I can do this. I think I can do this. I have to do this. I WILL DO THIS.


Suz said...

My progress reports are due next week as well...it is going to be a long weekend.:(

CC said...

30 minutes per week?????????? That's insane!!!!! I did mine last week. Phew!! How many kids do you have?

Anonymous said...

I have 38 students right now that I am supposed to serve in the 2days I work. I would have more prep time if I didn't have to pump milk for my baby.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel. I have a son who is almost 4 months and I pump every day at work. It takes up my morning planning and I am always rushing afterwards to get my first group of students.
Re the progress reports, it is always challenging. We have to mark progress and write detailed comments. Somehow, it always gets done, but I am always the last SPED person to get hers done due to the caseload. Yet, I have the same deadline to turn them in as the SPED staff that has only 10 to do.